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pApB pCpD pEpF pGpH pIpJ pKpL pMpN pOpP pQpR pSpT pUpV pWpX pYpZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
NX ANEX cotton & jeans pent 25
penta jet 12
PEDA HIB-penta 5
pentagon 4, 12, 24, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 41, 42, 45
pentagon & arcs 29
pentagon & leaf 5
pentagon & triangles 10, 18, 25
pentagon GOLD 35
pentagon arcs & circle 7
20 +pentagon 16, 34
21 +pentagon 34, 35
21 +pentagon & square 16
3 +pentagon 34
31 +pentagon 34
pentagon 29, 30
5S +pentagon 16
A +arrow pentagon & circle 37
A APA +pentagon 16, 17
pentagon 17
pentagon 4, 12, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 45
ABIND +pentagon & flower 30
AC +pentagon 14
ACTEENO +man pentagon & ova 5
ADC AASHRA +pentagon & line 37
pentagon 12
ADVANCED +pentagon 16
AE AURSON +star & pentagon 37
AG AROMA gold +pentagon 11
ALCAS +pentagon 25
ALFASTAR +pentagon 1
AM +pentagon 9, 42
AMERICANSTAR +pentagon arcs 20
ARIHANT +cow & pentagon 35
ARYAN group +pentagon hands 36
ASHA +pentagon 10
ASMI industries +pentagon 31
ASPAM PRE SCHOOL +pentagon 9, 16, 41
AVLA brand ANE +pentagon 29, 35
AVVATAR +pentagon 5
AVVATAR +pentagon & hands 5
AVVATAR +pentagon & square 29
AVVATAR +hands & pentagon 29
AZIANO +pentagon 11
B LE-BRIGADIER +pentagon 18
BALASHRI +pentagon 5
BANG BANG +pentagon 11
BANWAIT +pentagon triangles 13
BHPI BHARAT +pentagon 5
pentagon 5
BHUJODI +pentagon & girl 20
BHUJODI +girl & pentagon 16
BHUJODI +woman & pentagon 25
BHUMI +drops pentagon circl 29
BIOFEN 0.4 DP +pentagon 1
BJ +pentagon 14
BLUE COOPER +pentagon 25
BRITE UJALA +pentagon & ova 3
BT BRINDA TEX +pentagon 24
BUY & BENEFIT +pentagon 35
CELL GOLD +pentagon & squar 9
CIVIL SELF STUDY +pentagon 16, 41
COMOTEC +pentagon 9
CP +triangle & pentagon 9
CS AEROTHERM +pentagon 11
D DRONA +pentagon 7
D MAN +pentagon man & squar 16
D21 +pentagon 9, 28, 35, 38, 41, 42
DAIRY STAR +pentagon 29
DESIRE socks +pentagon oval 25
DOCTOR SOLALL.COM +pentagon 35
DOLOMITE FRANCHI +pentagon 6, 19
DRY AGER +cow & pentagon 7, 11
DYUNI PEC +pentagon & squar 4
E PRAY-LADY +pentagon 21
EIF +pentagon & ovals 7
EKTA +hand pentagon & ribbo 7
ENCORE e +pentagon 7
F +crown pentagon & wings 32, 34, 41
F 24 +pentagon & hexagon 38, 41
F 24 FOOTBALL 24 +pentagon 38
F CLASS +pentagon 12
F STUDIO'S +pentagon & star 35
FC FIRST CLASSE +pentagon 25
pentagon 25
FIVE STAR +pentagon & stars 31
FOOD PAK +pentagon 17
FROW +triangles & pentagon 35, 38
FTC RUHANI +pentagon 30
pentagon 11
GANSHU +pentagon & arcs 7
GB +pentagon 6
GD GDJ +pentagon 25
GERIA GOLD +pentagon 5
GF +pentagon & circles 29
GF +circles & pentagon 30
GG shuttle hook +pentagon 7
GHAR TRADE.COM +pentagon 36
GLANCE +arcs & pentagon 18
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